Recently I discovered Astro 5. I wanted to update my website to be easier to manage. 11ty is pretty easy, but had a few things that were awkward. I started to get into Zola which is another static site generator built in Rust. What’s great about Zola is that it’s a single executable and all that is in your repo is the content and layouts. So may other platforms feel like reams of boilerplate for the simplest of websites. The problem with Zola is that there are no plugins and they don’t want to support tailwind css. Then I stumbled on Astro. For someone like me who is not a professional web developer, Astro is pretty perfect. The repo for this site is just the content and layouts, just like what I wanted. It has plugins and adding tailwind css was a breeze. Documentation is amazing. And it is so freaking simple to understand. It has to be the simplest static site generator that supports multiple content types.